I was interviewed on the You Can Learn Chinese podcast.
Episode #40: How to set Goals for Learning Chinese

(the portion with my interview starts at 29:40)

I ran into Jared Turner from Mandarin Companion recently at the National Chinese Language Conference. Before we met, I had already listened to the podcast and read some of the Mandarin Companion books.

If you haven’t heard of Mandarin Companion before, you should check out their graded readers. They publish easy-to-read stories in Chinese with a limited set of vocabulary to make it accessible for people learning Chinese. Currently they have 3 levels:

  • Breakthrough (150 unique characters)
  • Level 1 (300 unique characters)
  • Level 2 (450 unique characters)

I’ve read books from all of their levels and can wholeheartedly recommend them. They are easy to understand and a pleasure to read, and it gives you a big feeling of accomplishment to read a whole book in Chinese.

Want to learn how to read and write Chinese? Sign up at Dong Chinese.